C.A.T.S.-C.A.N., Inc.
P.O Box 622543
Oviedo, FL 32762
Kittens   |  Teens   |  Adults   |  Seniors   |  Must Adopts   |  Special Needs   |  Recent Arrivals   |  Cats: 55

  Search Successes

Interested in Adopting?

If you see a cat or kitten on our website that you would consider adopting, please click on the link below to fill out and submit an application. The application does not obligate you to adopt a particular animal, but gives us the opportunity to see if you would be a good match. We will contact you within 48 hours to discuss the application. After approval, you will be contacted to arrange a time for you meet the cat or kitten you chose at the Oviedo Petsmart (1115 Vidina Place, Oviedo, FL 32765). If all goes well, you could be going home with your new friend very soon!

If you have a question, please visit our Adoption FAQ. If your question is not answered there please feel free to email us at catscaninc@gmail.com

All of our cats and kittens are kept in foster homes. If you would like come see some of our kitties in person, you are more than welcome to come visit us at the Oviedo Petsmart (1115 Vidina Place, Oviedo, FL 32765) across from the Oviedo Mall at our open adoption events on some Weekends (please check our Cats-Can,inc. Facebook Page) to see when we be there. We would love to see you there! NOTE: Petsmart Management cannot allow visitation when cats-can representatives are not present.